During my freshman year in high school in 2016, I was one of those students who enrolled in various classes only to fulfill credit requirements. However, a shift occurred that year. I observed my friends and family using smartphones and other smart devices. In 2016, smartphones were deemed a luxury and a trend, with companies eagerly introducing new features. I consider it a golden age for smartphones. Students owned a variety of smartphones, including iPhones, Galaxies, LGs, and Xperias, to name a few. Their designs intruiged me as I observed these devices being used. This realization sparked my inspiration to be involved in shaping the future of smartphone designs. Since then, I have been collecting various smartphones and studying their internal specifications and software.
In my senior year of high school, I enrolled in a mix of computer science and engineering design classes to meet my elective requirements. However, I was uncertain about which field to pursue for my major. Fortunately, my computer science professor and engineering professor were close friends with classrooms located next to each other. Seeking guidance on potential career paths, I approached them. Both professors recognized my interest for both computer science and engineering and suggested that I consider majoring in computer engineering, which covers software and hardware. With their advice, I applied and was accepted into UH Manoa, where I pursued Computer Engineering as my chosen major.
After completing two years of college, I had exposure to both electrical engineering and computer science classes. However, I faced difficulty in distinguishing between the two subjects. While my interest leaned more towards hardware than software, I observed that some of my electrical engineering classmates lacked programming knowledge. I realized that having a proficiency in programming could open up more career opportunities. A similar realization occurred when I noticed that some of my computer science classmates were unfamiliar with circuit analysis.
Seeking answers, I approached one of my favorite computer engineering professors to discuss my confusion. His response gave me a clear understanding of computer engineering. He explained that while both software and hardware are crucial, the emphasis in computer engineering lies in how software affects the hardware vice versa, such as CPU speeds and performance. I concluded that computer engineering can intersect with both computer science and electrical engineering, especially in our technologically advanced world.
While software engineering may not be my expertise, I believe that it is just as significant as hardware. I hope to become proficienct in software engineering so that I will be able to program any smart devices in the future. While working on the professional portfolio for ICS314, my appreciation for software grew. Undoubtedly, the professional portfolio stands out as one of the most powerful aspects of this class, setting it apart from other engineering majors that lack a portfolio like this. I look forward to enhancing my coding skills in JavaScript and staying updated with emerging programming languages.