Manoa Club Connect is a web application developed by a group of 5 people using the skills and concepts learned in ICS 314 throughout the semester. The purpose of this application is to display a website for students and Registered Independent Organiztions(RIOs) to connect through clubs. On the app, users can sign up with an account and create their profile with their username, selecting a profile picture, and adding their interests that match with the available clubs they would like to join. Once the interests are selected, clubs that are compatible with the user’s interests will appear on their profile. Clubs organizers are able to edit their information and post club events and meetings.
The link to the organization page can be found here
The team comprised Cristian, Luis, Eisen, Joshua, and myself. Collectively, we practiced software engineering work principles by distributing tasks evenly. To specify, we implemented Issue Driven Project Management for this assignment. Through GitHub projects, we assigned work and tasks as issues, each to be developed on individual branches. In this project, I dedicated my responsibilities to creating the user profile pages, assisting in creating the editing forms for the user, and designed a logo that would help in the site’s appearance.
This project provided a valuabe hands-on experience into collaboration between classmates that played the role of coworkers and allowed me to apply the skills and knowledge acquired from this class. Through this experience, I’ve gained the ability to develop websites with HTML, Javascript and CSS.